Tuesday, December 29, 2020

3,000 Youtube Subscribers/One Year of the Blog!

 I'd like to take this time to thank everyone for recently bringing my Youtube Channel, T Toy Reviews Ty, to 3,000 Subscribers! I have a huge video planned for this occasion, which I have been spending the last several days editing. I am close to finishing the video, though, and it should be uploaded tomorrow, December thirtieth.

Today also happens to be the one year anniversary of starting up this blog! Thank you to everyone who has visited it in the past year! I will certainly keep it going. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Target Color Changer Haul!

 I stopped by Target today, and was finally able to find one of the new color changers: Sheriff, who turns from black to red. I'm a big fan of the color changers, so I'm really glad to get this guy, even though I didn't find the King, who was released alongside him.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

2020 Christmas Haul!

 Here's a look at all of the cars I got this Christmas. I'm really happy with this haul, and I was shocked to get Mater with Hood and Globie, who is definitely my favorite car of the haul! Let me know what cars you got this holiday season in the comments!

You can also vote for which car you want mw to review first on My Youtube channel by taking the poll here:


Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Holidays!

Wishing all of my viewers and readers who celebrate it a merry and safe Christmas, and a happy New Year!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Suggest Cars For 25 Days of Suggestions 2020!

 It's been a tradition on my Youtube channel every year now to hold my 25 Days of Suggestions series throughout the month of December. Every day in December leading up to Christmas, I pick one random viewer request of a car that they want to see me review, and this year is no different! I've gotten quite a few suggestions so far, but I'm still looking for more! If you are yet to suggest a car that you want to see me review, make sure to leave it in the comments of this video that goes into greater detail about how to suggest cars! (You can also suggest cars if you haven't already in the comments of this post, just make sure to leave your username in the comment so I know who is suggesting)


    Only one suggestion is allowed per person, not all suggestions will be picked because it is random, and the car can't be reviewed if I have already reviewed it in the last sixth months...and, of course, it has to be a car that I own, if it isn't, I will ask you to re-suggest. Anyway, suggest away!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

2021 Cars Haul!

 I finally found the first wave of 2021 cars at Target last night, and picked up the four that I didn't have:

Floyd Morgan is yet another racer from the Cars 3 Flashback scenes. All of these guys are super unique, and it's always great to get a new one!

Although I'm not the biggest fan of Cruz, her Track Damage variant is really unique, and pretty cool to have!

I missed out on the bumper Save Tractor the first time around (when he was released with Rust-eze Cruz), so I'm glad to have him as a single!

The only other car from this wave that I didn't have was the Holiday Hotshot McQueen, who I'm very glad I got just in time for the Holiday season!

And, finally, the only 2020 cars that I got: the 2-pack of Rcae team Mater and Fillmore with headsets, a great 2-pack for me because these two were the only Cars 2 pit crew members with headsets that I was missing!

Since I haven't really discussed my thoughts on the 2021 cars line in a blog post, I may as well share some opinions here. I like where the 2021 Cars line is going, with more equal releases from all three Cars movies, and I'm excited to see what they'll do next. I also really like the packaging. While the 2019-2020 "Blue Desert" series had really nice packaging, the artwork of the characters was oftentimes cut off, so it's nice to have the pictures a bit less zoomed in on this new style of packaging. The only thing that I don't really like is the strange "METAL" text on the top of the packaging, I don't really mind it, but I don't think it's necessary. Anyway, that's my haul for today. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Color Changer H.J. Haul!

 Yesterday, I was finally able to find the Color Changers H.J. Hollis, who I strangely wasn't able to find when I found the other 2020 Color Changers a few months back. Even though it's been a while since I found the other Color Changers, it's definitely better late than never! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ebay Haul!

 With my stores slowing down recently when it comes to getting new stock in, I decided to order a few cars off of eBay, and they recently arrived:

First off, I picked up Lightning Mcqueen with Bumper Stickers. This is the first time in over a decade that I've gotten a car from 2008, so it was really cool get him for his older style of packaging. This Lightning is not only special to me for that reason, he's also special because he was the first ever chase release!

I also picked up Alberto, someone who is currently available in a five-pick (Which I forgot about when I ordered him). The five pack that he's in currently is a rather boring one, and I have everyone else in it, so buying Alberto's single release online was the way to go for me.

I've been trying to get every variant of Nigel Gearsley for some time now, he's my favorite World Grand Prix racer, and I thought it would be fun to set a challenge like that for myself. Unfortunately, I've been really slacking in this challenge, as I haven't gotten a new Nigel since Christmas of 2018. I've finally decided to expand my Nigel collection by picking up his metallic variant, released back in 2011/2012 as a Toys "R" Us exclusive, and not re-released since.

   Finally, I got one loose car: the 2013 release of Holley Shiftwell with screen. I've wanted to get either of the two variants of Holley with screen for some time now, but I could never find a good deal for either of them until now. I don't usually buy loose cars, but this Holley came in great condition, and even included the little trackpad accessory that came with her original release.

Anyway, that's it for this haul. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and make sure to check back soon for more! 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Haul Haul!

 Today's Haul is rather small. It's a Haul Haul: A Haul of Metallic Haul! I got him at a store who's name starts with "Wal." I like this car, I'd say they really didn't drop the ball. Anyway, that's all!

(...I refuse to ever rhyme like this again...)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Mini Racer Advent Calendar Haul!

 I recently ordered the 2020 Mini Racers Advent Calendar, and it arrived today. I'm excited to be opening this throughout the month as December, as it's full of great accessories and (for the first time in one of these advent calendars) exclusive minis, which is why I picked it up in the first place. Will you guys be picking up this year's Mini Racers Advent Calendar? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Cars Adventures: Lap Two-Season Six Q&A!

  I just wrapped up the latest season of my Cars Adventures: Lap Two series on my Youtube Channel! (link Here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGzxZpSBXdE3yHtBccYjjBi4WS_POrSBT) If you watched the season, let me know your thoughts on it in the comments! I'll gladly answer any of your questions about the season as well, so leave those in the comments, too! 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

An Incredibly Small and Very boring Target Haul.

    I stopped by a few stores on Friday night and was only able to find one car: Ernesto, one of the Rust-eze Racing Center trainees. While I'm not the biggest fan of all of the trainees released year after year, it's nice to see a bit of variety in color with this car, as not too many of the trainees have yellow on them. Anyway, let me know what you think about this car in the comments, and check back soon for more!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

My 2020 Channel Pumpkin

 Every October for my YouTube Channel, I paint a pumpkin that I put in the background of my videos. This year, of course, is no exception. So, here it is: My 2020 Pumpkin, featuring my channel name around a wheel with the Youtube Play button logo in it, with a blue splash of color behind, representing the color scheme of my profile picture. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

New Mini Racers and Endurance Racers Haul!

 I stopped by Target and Wal-Mart today, and was really happy to find the new Mini Racers 15-Pack featuring the Brand new Next-Gen Vinyl Toupee Racer, Will Rusch. I don't usually buy the larger Mini Racer Packs, but I picked this one up because there are several cars included in it that I don't have: in addition to the exclusive Will, I was also missing Blind Spot, Leroy Hemming, Sheldon Shifter, Conrad Camber, and Jack Depost.

    At Wal-mart, I found the second wave of Endurance Racers: Ed Truncan and Rich Mixon, who was somehow mislabeled as Tim Treadless.... While Ed is very similar to his regular diecast, I really like the differences with Rich's color scheme. 

    Anyway, that's my haul for today. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and check back soon for more!

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Headlight Zone Returns!

     Last October on my Youtube channel, I created a short series called The Headlight Zone in celebration of the Halloween season. And now, I've brought it back for this year! This year, The Headlight zone will be returning for a new episode every Monday in October, alongside the finale releasing on Halloween. In a parody of the classic Tv Series The Twilight Zone, each episode of The Headlight Zone features a mysterious short story with a twist ending. It's also hosted by Sterling in a reference to Rod Sterling, who hosted The Twilight Zone. The first episode, "Racing Again" is up now on my channel (link Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48J2egZwWEY&t=3s). Check it out if you want to, and let me know your thoughts in the comments of this post!

Friday, October 2, 2020

Drive-Ins Cars Haul! (And Faregame!)

 While the newly released Cars Drive-in series is not available in my area, a family member of mine was on a trip last week, and stopped by a grocery store, and was able to find them for me. I got P.T. Flea and Flik, both of whom I didn't have before. I also got Sulley, since mine has a broken horn. Also at that grocery store was Faregame, who was cancelled back in 2017. When he was finally released this year, I never found him, but I was so glad that he was in that grocery store, so I could finally complete my Demolition Derby Racer collection. Let me know your thoughts on these cars in the comments!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Cars Adventures: Lap Two-Season Five QnA!

 I just wrapped up the latest season of my Cars Adventures: Lap Two series on my Youtube Channel. (Link Here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpqNFt-3MpiaQVXD_hwtQA) Let me know what you thought about the season if you watched it, and leave any questions you may have about it in the comments, and I'll try to answer what I can! 

Friday, September 18, 2020

New Singles Haul!

     I was pleasantly surprised today to find the newest wave of singles at Target. While it isn't my favorite wave of the year, it still has some great new releases and re-releases!

The Hudson Hornet with Tire is a variant I never really expected to see released, but it's always nice to see a new variant of Doc. I just wish he had a happier expression instead of the typical Doc face.

Metallic Snot Rod is a cool release to get, although I wish his color scheme were a big lighter.

Silver Raoul and Slider are both very nice rereleases, although I would've preferred another WGP racer to get a silver rerelease instead of him. The same goes for Metallic Union Jack Ramone, who I also found today. He's a nice new release, but I would've preferred if a different Ramone, or just a different car, got the metallic treatment instead.

Anyway, that's my haul for today. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Huge Wal-Mart Haul!

 I returned home a few days ago with a huge haul from Walmart, and, although most of the cars I got are just minor variants, I'm so glad to add these to my collection! I was able to find:

Lightning Mcqueen with Sign, a Funny Flashbacks series release, where the exclusive sign is a fun accessory that can be attached to Lighting. Unfortunately, Lightning himself is the same as his regular variant.

Silver Lightning Mcqueen, a rerelease of an old exclusive. This one is very nice to have, and is actually my first silver McQueen, since I never got any of the Silver Cars 2 ones.

I got this year's rerelease of Brand New Mater to replace my old one, which has had broken rear view mirrors since 2007.

Unfortunately, this year's rerelease of Sage VanDerSpin was given both the name and artwork of the Cars 3 Gask-Its racer (Rex Revler) instead. Although the error is very annoying to me, I still picked up Sage since I didn't have him before.

Race Team Sarge is a car that is incredibly easy to find online, and one that I am shocked that I didn't have already. While he really isn't anything too special, Sarge is one of my favorite Cars characters, so I'm always happy to welcome another Sarge into my collection.

In an attempt to fix the color scheme of their original Holley Shiftwell diecast, which was a bit darker than it was in the movie, Mattel made this year's rerelease of Holley a very light pinkish color, which is now far lighter than she appeared in the movie. This is especially unfortunate because Mattel got Holley's color right in her 2016 electroshock variant. They should've just used the color scheme from that variant instead of what they did here.

This year's rerelease of Carla Veloso with flames, much like the rerelease of Nigel with Flames, was a very welcome surprise for me. I just wish that Carla had a more shocked or angry expression like Nigel, instead of just her regular face.

Aaron Clocker is a very unique Next-Gen who was originally released in an Amazon exclusive 5-pack. I never picked up that 5-pack, so I'm glad to have picked up Aaron's single release.

Rust-eze Racing Center trainee Jae is yet another one of the racing center trainees. Jae appeared in Cars 3 with a virtual Reality headset on, something that I hoped to see on his diecast, but instead we were given Jae without the headset. Although I would've preferred the headset, in the Cars 3 movie, it's hooked up to the ceiling of the building with a pole, so I understand why it wasn't included.

And, of course, Ray Reverham and Laura Spinwell are absolute stand-outs! It's so great to finally get some Cars 3 pit crew members, especially those for Jackson Storm. I'm surprised that it took this long to get Ray, considering his several speaking lines in the movie, but it's better late than never. Laura uses a new pitty model as well, which will open the door for more Cars 3 patties in the future, not just for the Next-Gens, but for the Rust-eze Racing Center, as well.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts about these cars in the comments, and I'll see you all soon!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Pixar Fext Cars Haul!

A few days ago, I stopped by Target and was glad to finally find the new Pixar Fest Diecasts! Released as a cross-promotion for a virtual Pixar event, these three unique variants of Lightning, Mater, and Ramone are decked out in Pixar logos and icons. These are incredibly unique diecasts, and I'm incredibly glad to 
add them to my collection!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Endurance Racers and Color Changers Haul!

 I went to a few stores today, and was pleasantly surprised to find eight cars! Four of the new Color Changers that I was missing: lightning McQueen, Jackson Storm, Francesco (who interestingly changes to a dark blue) and Paul Conrev (who's orange/red color change doesn't look too good, in my opinion.) Now, the only one of the new Color Changers that I am missing is HJ Hollis. 

I was also able to find the four RS 24 hour Endurance racers (Lightning, Jackson, Chase, and J.D.) a new series of cars that seem to have a bit of a color change depending on lighting. These cars are a very interesting concept, and they interestingly are using Lightning's Cars 2 Model in an attempt to make him look more like a next-gen. 

Anyway, that's all for today's haul. Let me know what you think of these cars in the comments, and make sure to check back soon for more!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Target Haul (For the Most Part...)

 I went to a few stores today, and finally found the new Color Changers. While, unfortunately, they weren't all there, I was still able to get Brand New Mater, Dinoco Cruz, and Bobby Swift, my favorite of those being Bobby. I was also able to find the brand new Mini Racers 3-Pack with the first look Chase Racelott, Paul Conrev, and Metallic Jackson Storm. I'm always really happy to get new characters in the mini 3-packs, and since my stores don't carry the blind boxes, Paul is great to finally get. 

Then, I stopped by Wal-Mart, where I finally got Miguel Camino. Despite having both his metallic and silver variants, I was actually missing the regular Miguel, so it's great to finally have him!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Cars Adventures: Lap Two-Season Four QnA!

 I recently wrapped up the fourth season of my Cars Adventures: Lap Two series on my YouTube channel. 

(Link Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpqNFt-3MpiaQVXD_hwtQA)

Let me know any questions you may have about the season in the comments, and I'll try to answer what I can! I look forward to seeing what you all have to say!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Target Haul!

I stopped by a Target that I don't usually go to today, and I'm definitely glad I did! While I didn't find the new color Changers singles, which were what I was looking for, I was able to find the new Stunt and Splash Red Playset, which I got for its exclusive Fabulous Lightning McQueen Color Changer. I was also able to find six singles: The very nice looking Silver Dinoco Cruz and Silver Jeff Gorvete, Cars 1 Piston Cup racers Ponchy Wipeout and Dirkson D'Agostino (who is one of my personal favorite racers, so I'm very glad to finally have him), the hilarious Palace Danger Finn McmMissile, who I love for his over-the-top facial expression, and, probably the least exciting car: DJ, who I got as a replacement for my original, which has been broken for some time now. Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and make sure to check back soon for more!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Welcome To Radiator Springs Series Haul!

Despite currently being on a break from my Youtube channel because I got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday, I decided to stop by Target to see what they had. I was able to find the entire first wave of the new Radiator Springs Classics/ Welcome to Radiator Springs series, which each include an either re-released or new accessory, alongside a bumper sticker. (I also found a four-pack for the series which included Sarge and a cone, which is not available as a single.) I decided against getting the cars in the series that I already had, as I didn't feel the need to spend money on some diecasts I already had just to get their accessories. In the end, I picked up the two cars in the series that I didn't already have: the re-releases of Blowing Bubbles Mater (who comes with a hay bale from a 2017 4-pack) and the re-release of the original Sally with tattoo, who includes a table from a 2013 2-Pack.

Friday, July 10, 2020

New Mini Racer Haul!

I found some new mini racer three-packs the other day: 

The Wille's Butte 3-Pack, featuring Fabulous McQueen, Dinoco Cruz (both of which I already have), and the first ever diecast of Saludos Amigos Ramone (who is an incredibly detailed mini, it's a shame we still don't have his regular diecast release).

The Cozy Cone motel three pack (Which I think should've been called the Wheel Well Motel pack) includes Mater, Sally, And the exclusive Radiator Springs McQueen. This is actually my first time getting the regular Sally mini, which is great to finally have.

And, finally, the second XRS three-pack, including a re-release of XRS McQueen, and exclusive XRS variants of Tim Treadless and Brick Yardley. I'm especially excited about Brick because this is the first mini racer of him I've gotten.

Anyway, that's all for today! Make sure to comment, and let me know what you think about these three-packs, and check back soon for more!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Local Stores Haul!

I picked up a few miscellaneous items from some locals stores yesterday: up first, I found the Nintendo Ds ports of Cars: Maternational and Cars: Race-O-Rama at a thrift store. I already have the console versions of both of these games, so it will be interesting to see the differences between them. At a local toy store, I was able to pick up Jonas Carvers, who has quickly become one of my favorite recent Next-Gen releases. Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments! Have you found any cars recently? Let me know, and make sure to check back soon for more!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Vacation Haul!

I'm currently on vacation, so I decided to go to a Target and a Wal-mart to see what cars they had. I ended up finding four: The 2020 re-release of Kevin Shiftright (the Clutch Aid racer from the first Cars movie), Kris Revstopski with a white flag (a very uninteresting variant, in my opinion, but still a nice one to have, as, not only is her flag a different color, but her expression is a bit different as well), and Muddy Rust-eze Racing Center Lightning McQueen and Silver the King. Muddy Lightning and Silver the King are some of my favorite cars released so far this year, so I'm very glad to finally have them, even if the King's wheels are blue on this variant and don't match very well with the rest of him....Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and check back soon for more!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Cars Adventures: Lap Two-Season Three Discussion/QnA!

Yesterday, I wrapped up the third season of my Cars Adventures: Lap Two series, and I'd love to know your thoughts and questions! Make sure to leave any thoughts or questions regarding the season in the comment section, and I'll answer what I can!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Fan Favorites and More News Cars Haul!

I stopped by four stores yesterday and I found, ironically, four cars. Silver Tim Treadless, Fan Favorites Luigi and Guido (my personal favorite cars from this haul), Fan Favorites Flo, and Rocket Racer Paul Conrev, the last of the rocket racers that I needed. He may even be my favorite one! Anyway, leave a comment below and let me know if you have found any new cars lately, or who your favorite in this haul is, and make sure to check back soon for more!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Second Haul In Months!

I went to four more stores on Wednesday, and found some more cars! The Sheriff's Deputies Mini Racer 3-pack, (Featuring a very odd mix of Sheriff, APB, and Officer McQueen from the Cars Toon Mater Private Eye), the Piston Cup Rivalry 3-pack (With the Cars 1 version of Lightning, as 
well as the King and Chick Hicks (who is unfortunately not a Cars 1 variant, instead using his usual Cars 3 one), and XRS Drag Racing Brick Yardley, who I've been looking for ever since I found the original Drag Racers. Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and make sure to check back soon for more!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

First Hunt in Months!

Back on Monday, I went to some stores for the first time in months! While I was hoping to get new singles, all I found was the XRS Rocket Racer Cam Spinner. Although I'm not the biggest fan of the Rocket Racing series, I actually quite like Cam, and I think he may be the best looking rocket racer! Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments! Have you found any cars lately? Let me know, and I'll be back soon with another haul!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Comment Your Thoughts On Cars Adventures: Lap Two's Third Season!

 A Few days ago on my Youtube Chanel, I started the third season of my Cars Adventures: Lap Two series. I've really enjoyed making this season so far, as I've decided to change up a few things, and I'm really excited to continue making it. Let me know your thoughts on the season so far in the comments!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Check Out My Entire Disney Cars Diecast Collection!

After weeks of reorganizing and setting up my cars, I have finally created a video showing all of my cars! Check it out here, and let me know what you think!

Check out the Collection Video!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cras Adventures: Lap Two-Season Two End of Season QnA!

Iv'e just wrapped up the second season of my Cars Adventures Lap Two series! Let me know your thoughts on this season, and if you have any questions about the season, make sure to leave them in the comments, and I'll answer what I can!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Fan Favorites Find: I Finally Found Ramone

(Try saying that title ten times fast...)

I stopped by Target (very quickly) a few days back, and was able to find this: The Fan Favorites Series Team 51 Ramone! When the Fam Favorites series first came out last summer, I was able to pick up all of the cars in it except for this one within a couple of weeks. For some weird reason, even after quite a few restocks, none of my Targets ever had this Ramone. Ramone is one of my favorite characters to collect, as each of his variants are so fun and unique, so I'm very glad to finally have this one in my collection.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Last Part of the Birthday Haul!

A few days ago, the last car for my birthday car came in the mail: Dale Roofolo! While he's definitely not my favorite 2020 release, he's still a very nice car to have, as it's always great to get more haulers...even though he's just the cab.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

2020 Birthday Haul!

Here are the cars that I got for my. birthday today!
-Vic Vanley
-Cupcake Lightning McQueen
-Wasabi Mouth Mater
-and Metallic Cal Weathers!
I'm super excited to have all of the cars, especially Lightning, Mater, and Metallic Cal, (A car that I had been hoping to be released since metallic Bobby Swift came out two years ago!)
I am also getting Dale Roofolo, but he hasn't arrived yet.
Anyway, thanks for checking out this post, and let me know which car is your favorite! It's a hard choice for me, but I think it may be Lightning or Mater!

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Making of My Latest Custom Lightning McQueen!

For those of you who don't know, I actually repaint some of my cars diecasts to make custom ones. For this, I use sharpie paint pension which dry very quickly, allow for finer detail, and give the car a glossy finish. My most recent custom in this one of Lightning McQueen that I'm currently using in my Cars Adventures Series. I made it, (doing on-and-off work) in about a day. In total, I probably worked on it for about an hour or two. Here's the final product, as how it evolved as I painted it.

(By the way, just for reference, this used to be a Rust-eze Lightning McQueen that I painted "determined" eyebrows on before I repainted it for this.)