Thursday, May 14, 2020

Fan Favorites Find: I Finally Found Ramone

(Try saying that title ten times fast...)

I stopped by Target (very quickly) a few days back, and was able to find this: The Fan Favorites Series Team 51 Ramone! When the Fam Favorites series first came out last summer, I was able to pick up all of the cars in it except for this one within a couple of weeks. For some weird reason, even after quite a few restocks, none of my Targets ever had this Ramone. Ramone is one of my favorite characters to collect, as each of his variants are so fun and unique, so I'm very glad to finally have this one in my collection.


  1. Awesome!
    how many cars do you still have to review until you can do the collection video?

    1. This Ramone, Van San, and Vic Vanley, but I still have to finish setting up the cars.

    2. I just recorded all three of those reviews so I could reorganize. I still have quite a bit left to go, but I'm trying to get it done soon.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I'll be looking forward to it
      Something else, I'm going to do a livestream in about 22 1/2 hours from now.

    5. Okay, I'm not sure if I'll be able to show up

    6. That's fine, I'll be streaming for at least an hour, maybe longer, so you can always join later

  2. omg i love ramone congrats on getting him

  3. I had to cancel my stream since I need at least 1000 subscribers for a stream now...

  4. I've had Ramone for a few weeks. Have you remembered my birthday episode? (Reminder: It's June 6th and I want it to be a tuner episode please)

  5. I just watched your review on Van San, and You said that you were thinking about getting the ninja. Maybe you should get multiple ninja's, since Kabuto had 4 of them.
