Saturday, November 28, 2020

2021 Cars Haul!

 I finally found the first wave of 2021 cars at Target last night, and picked up the four that I didn't have:

Floyd Morgan is yet another racer from the Cars 3 Flashback scenes. All of these guys are super unique, and it's always great to get a new one!

Although I'm not the biggest fan of Cruz, her Track Damage variant is really unique, and pretty cool to have!

I missed out on the bumper Save Tractor the first time around (when he was released with Rust-eze Cruz), so I'm glad to have him as a single!

The only other car from this wave that I didn't have was the Holiday Hotshot McQueen, who I'm very glad I got just in time for the Holiday season!

And, finally, the only 2020 cars that I got: the 2-pack of Rcae team Mater and Fillmore with headsets, a great 2-pack for me because these two were the only Cars 2 pit crew members with headsets that I was missing!

Since I haven't really discussed my thoughts on the 2021 cars line in a blog post, I may as well share some opinions here. I like where the 2021 Cars line is going, with more equal releases from all three Cars movies, and I'm excited to see what they'll do next. I also really like the packaging. While the 2019-2020 "Blue Desert" series had really nice packaging, the artwork of the characters was oftentimes cut off, so it's nice to have the pictures a bit less zoomed in on this new style of packaging. The only thing that I don't really like is the strange "METAL" text on the top of the packaging, I don't really mind it, but I don't think it's necessary. Anyway, that's my haul for today. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


  1. Very nice! I really hope I can find that Mater/Fillmore 2 pack before blue desert stops being produced. Its good to see the singles for 2021 are rolling out also.

    1. Yeah, hopefully you can find it soon! By the way, do you want to suggest someone for 25 days of suggestions?

  2. It sure is! And the year itself isn’t even over yet!

  3. By the way, do you want to suggest someone for my 25 days of suggestions?
