Sunday, October 18, 2020

My 2020 Channel Pumpkin

 Every October for my YouTube Channel, I paint a pumpkin that I put in the background of my videos. This year, of course, is no exception. So, here it is: My 2020 Pumpkin, featuring my channel name around a wheel with the Youtube Play button logo in it, with a blue splash of color behind, representing the color scheme of my profile picture. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


  1. question, when are you going to do the Chisaki review I requested back when suggestions were open?

    1. I'm not sure what I'll do about the rest of the suggestions that I got before they closed. What I'll probably end up doing Is using them for 25 Days of Suggestions. If not, then you can suggest her for 25 Days of suggestions instead.

    2. okay, for 25 days of suggestions, I also know a couple other cars...

    3. Okay! Just so you know, I recently sent you a private message on tap talk regarding a future video. Please send me a response private message when you see it

    4. I didn't receive it, it could be that you send it to the wrong account, I have two accounts on tapatalk, one of them was my old G+ account which I couldn't log into after we switched to tapatalk.
      if you want to send me a private message there, send it to Robin_tales_fighter

    5. Yep...I sent it to the wrong one. Okay. I’ll send it to the other one.

    6. Alright, I sent you a hangouts invitation earlier
