Thursday, August 20, 2020

Endurance Racers and Color Changers Haul!

 I went to a few stores today, and was pleasantly surprised to find eight cars! Four of the new Color Changers that I was missing: lightning McQueen, Jackson Storm, Francesco (who interestingly changes to a dark blue) and Paul Conrev (who's orange/red color change doesn't look too good, in my opinion.) Now, the only one of the new Color Changers that I am missing is HJ Hollis. 

I was also able to find the four RS 24 hour Endurance racers (Lightning, Jackson, Chase, and J.D.) a new series of cars that seem to have a bit of a color change depending on lighting. These cars are a very interesting concept, and they interestingly are using Lightning's Cars 2 Model in an attempt to make him look more like a next-gen. 

Anyway, that's all for today's haul. Let me know what you think of these cars in the comments, and make sure to check back soon for more!


  1. amazing scores! I love the endurance racers, especially because I really like endurance racing in real life (although I don't expect these guys to appear at Le Mans)

  2. COOL, I LOVE JD, he is so SHINY. btw I got antonio velocce, nick stickers and holiday ramone (most random find in 2020) in a store today!!

  3. I'll be making the review on antonio tomorrow, my channel is ThePiston11

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was rewatching season 6 of cars adventures, and when Cruz attacks the party, she mentioned most of the next gens weren't with her because they stopped to watch Elvis RV. Now here's my theory/idea: this was the work of Bubba, who somehow was able to get most the next gens to stay there so Cruz didn't have an army with her

    Maybe he also knew about chase and Ryan wanting to defect so he made sure that they stayed with her

    What do you think about this Ty? Is it worth writing down for whenever Bubba's and the evil next gens return?

    1. That's an interesting thought, but that plotpoint with Elvis isn't something I'd see myself revisiting.

    2. I know, but it was just something I thought of what Bubba could give as an example to make the townies trust him, because no matter how long it takes, eventually he'll be exposed and he'll have to make sure they trust him

  6. maybe you should watch Disney Docket's case unboxing of the endurance racers, there he explains and shows the colour shifting.

    1. Was I doing the color shifting wrong?

    2. No, I saw the colour shifting during the review, it has nothing to do with how the light is, Just the position how you hold the car.
      The colours are not massieve changes, but Jackson changes from the blue colour to a blue/purple-ish colour, but sometimes it's hard to see.
      I don't know for sure, but that's what I've seen in the reviews of them

    3. Huh. I wish they had explained how it worked on the packaging. If that confused me, I’m sure it’s confused some kids who wanted to buy them because they thought they worked like color changers or something

  7. something I noticed while watching season 7 of cars adventures:
    episode 7-2 is not in the big playlist of cars adventures

    1. and episode 11-5 says traiing instead of training in the title

  8. just watching season 16. Now I see one reason why Aiden hasn't returned yet, they were talking about Sudeep and the other guy.

    still I can't wait to see Aiden return (whenever that happens)

    1. since there was only one piston cup race in 2019, and Dan Caricia won that one, shouldn't he be counted as the piston cup champion of 2019?

    2. It depends. Did I say that was the first race of the season?

    3. Huh...then I guess he did. Then again, since that racing season was cut short, it probably wasn’t counted as a full season

    4. Yeah good point

      Btw, could you do something about those small mistakes I pointed out in my other comment?

    5. yeah, I'll fix those. Sorry, I haven't been able to because my laptop has been broken.

    6. Yeah, it's fine, I'm happy to see you uploading again, because I was getting kinda bored

      you didn't make episode 9-11 because of the date associated with it right?

    7. Yeah. I remember, I tried to retitle it, but it didn’t work out, so I just made it episode twelve. Because of that, the season is now one episode shorter than the rest of them. (I should’ve just gone up to episode 25 for that season.

    8. so lap 2 season 9 might go to episode 25?
