Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Huge Wal-Mart Haul!

 I returned home a few days ago with a huge haul from Walmart, and, although most of the cars I got are just minor variants, I'm so glad to add these to my collection! I was able to find:

Lightning Mcqueen with Sign, a Funny Flashbacks series release, where the exclusive sign is a fun accessory that can be attached to Lighting. Unfortunately, Lightning himself is the same as his regular variant.

Silver Lightning Mcqueen, a rerelease of an old exclusive. This one is very nice to have, and is actually my first silver McQueen, since I never got any of the Silver Cars 2 ones.

I got this year's rerelease of Brand New Mater to replace my old one, which has had broken rear view mirrors since 2007.

Unfortunately, this year's rerelease of Sage VanDerSpin was given both the name and artwork of the Cars 3 Gask-Its racer (Rex Revler) instead. Although the error is very annoying to me, I still picked up Sage since I didn't have him before.

Race Team Sarge is a car that is incredibly easy to find online, and one that I am shocked that I didn't have already. While he really isn't anything too special, Sarge is one of my favorite Cars characters, so I'm always happy to welcome another Sarge into my collection.

In an attempt to fix the color scheme of their original Holley Shiftwell diecast, which was a bit darker than it was in the movie, Mattel made this year's rerelease of Holley a very light pinkish color, which is now far lighter than she appeared in the movie. This is especially unfortunate because Mattel got Holley's color right in her 2016 electroshock variant. They should've just used the color scheme from that variant instead of what they did here.

This year's rerelease of Carla Veloso with flames, much like the rerelease of Nigel with Flames, was a very welcome surprise for me. I just wish that Carla had a more shocked or angry expression like Nigel, instead of just her regular face.

Aaron Clocker is a very unique Next-Gen who was originally released in an Amazon exclusive 5-pack. I never picked up that 5-pack, so I'm glad to have picked up Aaron's single release.

Rust-eze Racing Center trainee Jae is yet another one of the racing center trainees. Jae appeared in Cars 3 with a virtual Reality headset on, something that I hoped to see on his diecast, but instead we were given Jae without the headset. Although I would've preferred the headset, in the Cars 3 movie, it's hooked up to the ceiling of the building with a pole, so I understand why it wasn't included.

And, of course, Ray Reverham and Laura Spinwell are absolute stand-outs! It's so great to finally get some Cars 3 pit crew members, especially those for Jackson Storm. I'm surprised that it took this long to get Ray, considering his several speaking lines in the movie, but it's better late than never. Laura uses a new pitty model as well, which will open the door for more Cars 3 patties in the future, not just for the Next-Gens, but for the Rust-eze Racing Center, as well.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts about these cars in the comments, and I'll see you all soon!


  1. Congratulations on the scores! Also do you have an Instagram Account?

  2. Wow! great haul! I guess you could say that Aaron is part of the next gens who haven't chosen a side yet XD

    btw I commented about a quiz on your other post, but deleted it because I decided to work a bit more on it.
    It's a quiz about cars adventures...

    1. That sounds interesting...let me know when you know more about what you’re going to do with it. Also, do you have any plans on doing a montage for the “darn American roads” joke?I think that would be a funny one to make a montage for, It’s probably the biggest running joke aside from Cal is lonely.

    2. I'm almost done with the quiz, I'll let you know when it's done,

      I'll try to do the darn american roads thing eventually, but not at the moment since school just started, and I'm also trying to get cars univers started again, and I have to finish season 1 of the dice racing, so at least it won't be anytime soon

    3. Okay! Take your time. What will the quiz be?

    4. it will be a bunch of questions about cars adventures, devided in four parts:
      1 multiple choice questions
      2 True or false questions
      3 name the character
      4 quotes (name the character who made the quote)

      there are both easy and hard questions

      I was thinking, maybe you could make a video about it "how good do I know my own series" or something like that (if you want to)
      and tell people if they want to do the quiz themselves they should pause the video, do the quiz and then continue watching

    5. btw I'm now done with the quiz:

    6. Okay! Great! I’ll check it out after I film today’s Cars Adventures episode! I’ll definitely do a video on it, although I’m not sure when. Probably on Friday.

    7. I saw you did the quiz, is there anything you think I should change?

    8. I already fixed a whole bunch of small mistakes I spotted

    9. I think it was great! Great job!

    10. Thanks! I might make more of these kind of quizes in the future

    11. You should do one for your Cars universe series

    12. that is actually what I'm planning to do next.

    13. I think that's a great idea. By the way, I'll probably be uploading my video of the quiz on Sunday or Monday.

    14. okay! make sure to tell people in the video that the version you did had a few mistakes in it, and that those are fixed now

    15. Just saw the video, and just so you know, you actually had the question about Cruz's Paint jobs correct

  3. question: can I make a Patrick Pace custom to use in my series?

    1. Sure, that sounds interesting.

    2. okay thanks! he probably won't have the exact same role as in your series since ... you know

  4. quiz results so far
    nobody got everything correct, although Brenda Schmidt came really close with 37 correct
    somebody answered to the 'what's your name' question: non of your business (I now changed it to youtube name instead of just name)
    some answers contain complained about either me or you (Ty) to get new cars for certain characts because 'yours suck' (I deleted every answer to the quiz containing things like that)

  5. what you said, the new Holley looks like she could be a completely different character, maybe you could do something with that?
    (like using her for a background character or something like that)

  6. just wondering, when are you gonna get another Charlie Checker for a normal Patrick Pace custom?

    1. I'm not too sure, considering Charlie has only been out in two-packs recently.

    2. well, maybe if you can get him with official Tom, official Tom is also a good car for a custom (like a background car)

    3. Yeah, that's a good idea. But I haven't seen that pack recently.

    4. let's hope the two pack (or charlie as a single) gets released in whatever we'll get now that everything from blue desert is released

    5. Yeah. I hope they continue with the blue desert packaging. It may actually be my favorite style of packaging that they’ve done

    6. I think we'll find out soon. I think my favorite style of packaging was 2015-2017 with the different cardback for each series. At least we know that H.J. will get a rerelease

    7. Yeah. It’s a shame someone more interesting didn’t leak first, though
