Monday, November 30, 2020

Suggest Cars For 25 Days of Suggestions 2020!

 It's been a tradition on my Youtube channel every year now to hold my 25 Days of Suggestions series throughout the month of December. Every day in December leading up to Christmas, I pick one random viewer request of a car that they want to see me review, and this year is no different! I've gotten quite a few suggestions so far, but I'm still looking for more! If you are yet to suggest a car that you want to see me review, make sure to leave it in the comments of this video that goes into greater detail about how to suggest cars! (You can also suggest cars if you haven't already in the comments of this post, just make sure to leave your username in the comment so I know who is suggesting)

    Only one suggestion is allowed per person, not all suggestions will be picked because it is random, and the car can't be reviewed if I have already reviewed it in the last sixth months...and, of course, it has to be a car that I own, if it isn't, I will ask you to re-suggest. Anyway, suggest away!

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