Saturday, January 4, 2020

Randy Lawons Review

Hey, guys! Today, I'm going to be taking a look at Randy Lawson, a racer from the Doc's Racing Days series. As I've said in the past, I love this series, and all of the racers released in it. Each one is unique, and they all look so cool! Of course, Randy Lawson is no exception!

Randy is #91, and is sponsored by Sputter Stop, which appeared as a background Piston Cup sponsor in Cars 1 and 3, so that's a nice little piece of continuity. He's also sponsored by "Genuine Never Tire," which doesn't seem to be around by the time of Cars 3, since we never see it anywhere else.

Randy has blacks x's over his headlights, a grill with an interesting shape, and a very nice color scheme. His expression seems a bit "off" to me, though, I think that he has a bit too much of a dead stare. But, that doesn't stop Randy here from being another solid entry in the Doc's Racing Days Series.

In the end, Randy Lawson is another great car from the flashbacks of Cars 3. While he may not be the  best of the Flashback racers, he definitely is still great. I can't wait to see what racers are released next in this series! Anyway, guys, thanks for checking out this review, and make sure to check back soon for more! Bye, now!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see him! Are you gonna be doing Fine Tuned or is that cancelled?
