I stopped by the Disney Store today, and, amidst a sea of Halloween costumes on clearance and Baby Yoda/The Child shirts, I was able to find some new cars! Although I didn't get any, I was surprised to see that the Disney Store had released their own set of XRS Rocket Racers. I probably shouldn't have been surprised, since they used to do TROC cars, but whatever. They don't have the big, gimmicky flames that the Mattel ones have, which is nice, since I thought that the flames on Mattel's releases looked kind of intrusive and out of place. They had Lightning, Cruz, Jackson, and Steve "Slick" LaPage. I'm not sure if they made anyone else, and if they did, I assume it's probably Barry DePedal, since they made the other four that Mattel has released. They all look pretty good, aside from Steve, who's color scheme is way off, now an ugly light green that doesn't work well with the rest of his color scheme. I think that having the Rocket Racers as pullback diecasts really works, since they can now go at really high speeds. I think that it makes sense with the theme. In fact, when pictures of the first Rocket Racers surfaced, I was hoping that their gimmick would be pullback action (of course it wasn't, but it's cool that we now have pullbacks of them).

As I already said, I didn't buy any of these, but I did buy their Pullback Intro Ramone.
(I also took some pictures of these very nice playsets. They're really cool!)
Disney Stores makes XRS cars now, cool