All month on my Youtube channel, I've been doing reviews of cars, and basically nothing else. Usually, I have more variety, but I've been swamped with reviews because of Christmas, as well as some other things. So, in order to change things up a bit, I've been trying to add some more comedy, or unique segments, to my reviews. (Since my Youtube videos no longer have comments, please comment here if you have anything to say about the recents reviews. Thanks!). Anyway, in my Brush Curber review (Link Here:, I included a sketch where I start to review another car, knocking Brush off of my reviewing area, but, he rises back up again. And how I did it is simple!

First, I taped fishing line to the back of Brush's packaging (in two different places to make it more stable)
I then taped the other end of the fishing line to the roll of tape, and slid the roll of tape onto my arm.
After this, I placed the fishing line around a tack on my wall.
While filming the actual video, I switched from filming with my right hand to my left hand, grabbed the fishing line with my right hand, and pulled up Brush.

And there you go! There's a bit of behind-the-scenes insight for all of you! Now, you, too can use this trick to impress your friends...but, you probably shouldn't, they'd be able to see the big roll of tape around your arm...I used the camera angle to my advantage. Anyway, guys, thanks for checking out this post, make sure to comment if you have anything else to say, and I'll see you guys again soon! Bye, now!
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