Friday, May 14, 2021

2021 Deluxe Haul from Ebay!

 I don't usually buy new cars releases online, as I prefer to find them in the store instead, but I haven't found deluxes in any of my stores all year, so made an exception for these two cars: 95 and 51 Hat Mater and the brand new Xavier Roaddault, the Cars 3 Spare Mint Cab. Although I love Mater variants, I'm not the biggest fan of this one, since he didn't appear in Cars 3 and has no need to be a deluxe. I think he looks very good, but the fact that he was a deluxe and that he didn't appear in the movie didn't make me like him as much as I hoped. But, regardless, I'm always happy to see a new Mater get released. I also really like Xavier, the first Cars 3 cab to be released without a trailer attached (not counting Mack, of course). While I really would've preferred to get the full hauler instead of just the cab, that is only because I really like how the design turned out, and I wish that I could see more of the design. Anyway, that's my haul for today! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Yeah, I consider Dan a Cars 1 release , I think that is what he was intended to be
