Saturday, May 29, 2021

Another Small Haul

 I was pleasantly surprised with how well stocked my Target stores were the other day, and I was able to pick up a new car at one of them: the View Zeen racing tractor. While I didn't really like this tractor at first, I've really come around to liking it. Just like the rest of the tractors, it's a very impressive and detailed release!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

New Haul, Just in Time!

Now that I'm filming my Ty's Cars Four fan film, I was starting to get concerned that I wouldn't be able to find some of the last cars I needed for it in time. Luckily for me, I was able to find the cars I needed in the nick of time, as well as some other cars I've been looking for: Hot Rod Louise Nash, Pam Wheeldarrow, "Dash" Boardman, and Blind Spot, who I got to repaint. All of these cars are really great, and do'm glad that I was able to find them just in time....but as for which of these cars will be in the movie and what they'll do, you'll just have to find out on June Ninth, when I release my Ty's Cars Four fan film!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Sort of Random item Haul

 I stopped by two stores yesterday, where I picked up two items that are pretty random: The John Haulstead hauler, who is my first Next-Gen hauler, and the first hauler I've bought in over a year, and the 2021 rerelease of Rusty and Dusty, who I bought to repaint. This haul really isn't anything all that special, the items aren't all that interesting (although John looks great and I am very impressed with how he turned out), but despite this, I still think that every haul is worth documenting! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Friday, May 14, 2021

2021 Deluxe Haul from Ebay!

 I don't usually buy new cars releases online, as I prefer to find them in the store instead, but I haven't found deluxes in any of my stores all year, so made an exception for these two cars: 95 and 51 Hat Mater and the brand new Xavier Roaddault, the Cars 3 Spare Mint Cab. Although I love Mater variants, I'm not the biggest fan of this one, since he didn't appear in Cars 3 and has no need to be a deluxe. I think he looks very good, but the fact that he was a deluxe and that he didn't appear in the movie didn't make me like him as much as I hoped. But, regardless, I'm always happy to see a new Mater get released. I also really like Xavier, the first Cars 3 cab to be released without a trailer attached (not counting Mack, of course). While I really would've preferred to get the full hauler instead of just the cab, that is only because I really like how the design turned out, and I wish that I could see more of the design. Anyway, that's my haul for today! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Friday, May 7, 2021

New Mini 3-Packs Haul from Wednesday!

     I was really surprised to see the next wave of Mini Racer 3-Packs in a Target near me less than three weeks after I found the last wave. This latest wave of 3-packs continues to include some very cool and ambitious minis that really shows what the Mini Racers can do. Most notable is Tractor, who looks incredibly good(even though the front wheels don't roll) but I think that Dexter Hoover is really cool, too(even though he's missing his flag.) High Impact is sort of a dud to me, I wish that the other cars in the pack were more interesting. Unlike the other packs, where the new release really made the pack desirable for me despite the dull other cars included, I feel like High Impact (although she looks great) really isn't too interesting, and I wish that the pack included a Thunder Hollow racer other than Fishtail (Again) and a Chester Whipplefilter instead of (Again) the innacurrate Lightning. But those are just my thoughts! Let me know yours in the comments!

    (oh...and I also picked up the 2021 Erik Lanley and Alex Carvill pack to repaint. Those are there, too.)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

2021 Birthday Haul!

 I'm very happy with the cars that I got for my birthday back on Sunday (May Second). These are all older releases of background characters that I've wanted for a while, and they include:

Milton Calypeer

Timothy Twostroke 


Mary Esgocar


and Kimberly Rims and Carinne Cavvy

These are all very good older releases, and I've wanted Milton ever since he came out in 2009, so he is really a highlight to me! I also think it's really cool to have Milo, as I see him as a very underrated release, and he is the first car in my collection that I have ever bought on the original Final Lap Collection card! All of the others are great, too, and they will all fit nicely in my collection and in my upcoming Cars Fan Film, where they can help fill out the scenes.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

NASCAR Wave 3 and New Singles Haul!

 Back on Thursday, I was shocked to once again be one of the first to find the nest set of NASCAR Racers, this time around Gogo Logano and Ryan "Inside" Laney. These two are awesome, and so are the rest of the new singles I found!

These include the long awaited Next-Gen M Fast Fong, the (also very long awaited) Saludos Amigos Ramone, Todd Marcus, who I am glad to finally add to my collection, and Racing Red Sally, who, much like the rest of her racing red counterparts, looks far better than I expected!