Friday, February 21, 2020

Brand New 2-Pack Haul!

Just found these three two-packs at Walmart! All three of them are great, with incredible rereleases of Lewis and Chick's crew chiefs, and the official release of the previously cancelled Nicky B.!

Even though each pack includes a much more bland other car (Chick, Lewis Hamilton, and Flo), I think that the inclusion of those cars makes sense, and they don't really talk away from the pack. (Weird side note, the Flo included is the older model, not the updated 2018 release).

Anyway, guys, thanks for checking out this post, and make sure to check back soon for more!


  1. Awesome! So there is also a Thailand variant of the old Flo?

  2. You might not remember me but im carlos Rodriguez i used to watch your videos more than a year ago because my WiFi was cut:( but im using my moms phone so i will try to be there as much as i can

  3. Also i been collecting cars and yesterday at a thrift store yes a thrift store i found beach Jackson storm (or whatever the name is), Eric braker, Frank and the queen from cars 3 and in great condition execept the queen she is in good condition
