Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Cars Adventures: Lap 2: New Details!

Back in December, I put Cars Adventures, the main ongoing series of my Youtube Channel, on hiatus due to changes to the Youtube platform (the same changes that caused me to make this blog to begin with). I knew that I didn't want to end the series, but didn't know what to do next. After giving myself some time to think, I decided to continue the series by creating a follow-up series, Cars Adventures: Lap 2. 

Lap 2 picks up a few months after the original 32 seasons of Cars Adventures (or, Cars Adventures: Lap 1) left off. It will be the same in episode format, length, and everything like that, the main thing that will be different is the name of the series itself, and the fact that the series will most likely start at a new Season One, instead of Season 33.

Cars Adventures: Lap 2 will begin on March First, 2020, and Season One will run throughout the month of March. More trailers and information will be released throughout the month leading up to the release, so make sure to check back here for more new information!

(Cars Adventures is, of course, a fan-made project, made by myself, and is not an official release by Disney/Pixar, it is a fan-made series inspired by the World of Cars Series...but you already knew that!)

If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out the most recent trailer here:

Bye, now!


  1. If you want comments download YouTube studio (it was made by YouTube) but you have to mark your video as not for kids if you wanted that so i dont know who its gets recommend to but still

    1. Yeah, I know, I had to remove my comments so I don't violate the COPPA rules.

  2. There's an option to not recommend it to people over 18

  3. I just saw the teaser. It looks really interesting...

  4. Nice!
    PS I am releasing a video later!
