Sunday, February 16, 2020

Comment Some of Your Feedback!

Hey, guys! Sorry for not being too active on here for a while. It's been a pretty slow week for me, since I've run out of new cars to review on my Youtube channel, and now I'm trying to do some more interesting and different videos (So, sorry if I miss a few days in the next few weeks). Anyway, since I don't have Youtube comments anymore, I'd like to get some feedback from all of you here. What have you thought of my recent videos, if you have been watching them. I'd love to hear your feedback, so leave some comments! And make sure to check back here soon for more!


  1. Can I suggest a theme for a future Cars Adventures: Lap 2?: How about distrust is spreading amongst the tuners (California and Tokyo) and when more and more fights happen, Boost is worried and he knows that if these arguments continue, the division of the good and evil tuners will once again exist. How's that for a story line for one of the Cars Adventures Lap 2 seasons?

    1. Great idea! I have a plan for the tuners for the first few seasons, so I'll see when and if I can try to fit this in!

  2. If you get YouTube studio you can enable comments and also what are your thoughts on the new jonas carvers?

  3. I really liked all of the reviews. I had been looking forward to cars randomness #8, and I really liked it, just like all of the other videos

    P.S. the video that I was working on for you was to big to upload, I tried it multiple times. So I'm gonna make a different compilation.

    1. Alright! What was that other video that was too big?

    2. season 32 (the one about the tuners) in chronological order

  4. Hey you said you would get hangouts if your comments taken away? Any idea when that will happen?

  5. Ty how do you make new playlists if your content is made for kids

    1. You can still make playlists if your videos are made for kids, but you can’t put videos from other channels with “made for kids” videos in playlists

    2. Ok also did you see my other comment where I asked you when you were going to download hangouts if youtube took your comments away
