Sunday, June 27, 2021

Very Mediocre 2-Pack Haul


No, but really, there isn't much to say about this 2-pack that I picked up at Target today. I've been very disappointed with the 2021 2-packs, as none of them have that many interesting rereleases like the 2-packs of other recent years. Out of all of the 2021 2-packs, there is only one new release exclusive to a 2-pack: Double-Clutch Daley. I really hope that next year's 2-packs are better, but until then, this is probably going to be the last 2-pack I'll buy for the year, as it's the only one with a car in it that I don't have: Okuni. Despite Shigeko and Okuni having been rereleased several times throughout the years, I actually never got Okuni until now, so it's nice to finally have her. I did, however, have Shigeko, so I'm not quote sure what I'll do with her. Even though this 2-pack had a car I was missing, it still isn't all that interesting to me, as this same 2-pack was released back in 2016. I really would've preferred to see Tamiko in this 2-pack instead of Shigeko, but, whatever.... Let me know your thoughts on this 2-pack (and 2021 2-packs in general) in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Great points! I'm actually currently working on a whole video going over my issues with this year's 2-packs in more detail. They really are disappointing.
