Sunday, June 27, 2021

Very Mediocre 2-Pack Haul


No, but really, there isn't much to say about this 2-pack that I picked up at Target today. I've been very disappointed with the 2021 2-packs, as none of them have that many interesting rereleases like the 2-packs of other recent years. Out of all of the 2021 2-packs, there is only one new release exclusive to a 2-pack: Double-Clutch Daley. I really hope that next year's 2-packs are better, but until then, this is probably going to be the last 2-pack I'll buy for the year, as it's the only one with a car in it that I don't have: Okuni. Despite Shigeko and Okuni having been rereleased several times throughout the years, I actually never got Okuni until now, so it's nice to finally have her. I did, however, have Shigeko, so I'm not quote sure what I'll do with her. Even though this 2-pack had a car I was missing, it still isn't all that interesting to me, as this same 2-pack was released back in 2016. I really would've preferred to see Tamiko in this 2-pack instead of Shigeko, but, whatever.... Let me know your thoughts on this 2-pack (and 2021 2-packs in general) in the comments!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

New Target Haul!

 I did not expect to find the latest wave of singles so soon, but I'm very glad I did! I just picked up Nick Shift, Clovis Rider, Racing Red Francesco, and Rusty Cornfuel at Target, four great releases that I'm happy to have found! I've been wanting Nick Shift for a long time, Racing Red Francesco has been one of my most anticipated 2021 releases, Clovis is way cooler than I first thought (I didn't like him much at first), and Rusty Cornfuel is another very nice piston cup racer that I was missing. Let me know what you think about these guys in the comments!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

New Color Changer Haul!

After my first hunt for the month, I'm back home with just one new car: the very cool Color Changer Crusin' Lightning McQueen. While I'm disappointed that I couldn't find the Fillmore that released at the same time as him, I'm really happy to have this McQueen. This is the first time Crusin' mcQueen has been made as a color changer, and I love how he changes to black, I think it looks great! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!