Saturday, February 27, 2021

Brand New Endurance Racer Sheldon Shifter Found!

 I am very excited to be one of the first people to report on finding the new RS 24HR
Endurance Racer Sheldon Shifter! While this series isn't one of my favorites, I must say this Sheldon Looks really cool!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

My First NASCAR Crossover Diecast!

 While I'm personally not interested in NASCAR or real world racing, I, like many other Cars fans, am a very big fan of the Disney Cars/NASCAR Crossover diecast line, featuring both reimaginings of characters, as well as all-new characters. I've been searching hard for these cars over the past few weeks, and was finally able to find Jackson Storm a few days ago. As far as these NASCAR cars are concerned, I have to say that Jackson is probably my least favorite of the line. While he still looks great, he looks incredibly similar to his regular variant, compared to the rest of the racers, whose designs
stray further away from their usual looks. I really would've liked to have seen a bit more of a different design for this Jackson, but at the end of the day, I think he still looks really good, and I hope to find the rest of the first wave of NASCAR cars soon!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Small But Exciting Target Haul

 Today at Target, I was finally able to find Will Rusch, the Next-Gen Vinyl toupee car. I've been hyped about this release since before it was even announced, as I absolutely loved the mini racer of Will which came out before the regular diecast. And, I must say, this guy really has lived up to the hype for me, and he is definitely one of my favorite Next-gens! Let me know your thoughts on this car in the comments!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Disney Store Car Haul From Ebay!

 Wow...that's a complicated post title...

I recently picked up the Disney Store's Chase Tie-Dye Fillmore
from a few years ago on eBay. This is my first of the older Disney Store cars(who used to come in acrylic cases instead of plastic and cardboard boxes.) While I'm often not a fan of the cheaper look of the Disney Store cars, this one is very impressive. I love his unique details, and the fact that he is an original idea for the toylike, and the packaging looks great! I'll be displaying this Fillmore out of his case, but he really does look great in it!